Friday, 19 October 2007

Shopping, Beans & software upgrades

I hate the weekly shopping trip as much as the next man, the bright fluorescent supermarket lights and long queues are almost always certain to send me into a zombie like state in no time. I just about managed to stay half wake tonight as i thought about trying to emulate some food package labels with fireworks. I had recently downloaded some western style fonts from 1001
free fonts and had been eager to try them out, so i chose a well known brand of baked beans that i had remembered used a western style label on it's cans.
Thirty or forty minutes after my return from the supermarket and i had created the above png, although it is not identical to the food can i am happy that i was able to create a similarly styled object relatively easily.

I'm very keen to try out the latest incarnation of fireworks(cs3). I have always been very sceptical about software upgrades it only seems like yesterday that i starting using fw8 and wonder does the latest version have enough upgrades and new features to justify the price tag.

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