Friday, 19 October 2007

HTML,CSS plus a tiny little bit of PHP

HTML AND CSS WEB DESIGN my latest project is going to be the redesign and relaunch of the first website i created almost two years ago.
I've learnt a little in the last two years and this redesign will be standards compliant html and css. O.K so validation is only half the battle, it is of course true that while a page may validate correctly does not necessarily mean it will be cross browser/platform compliant. So whats a boy to do? Banging your head on your desk may seem like a good idea at the time(it won't help). Thats not everything i've learnt so far, get the latest versions of the popular browsers on your machine(IE,FireFox,Netscape and so on)for testing then visit browsershots here you can test your url in thirteen different browsers across all platforms specifying the screen size(from 640px -1600px)and other elements like javascript, flash and java.

One of the requirements of the redesign is for the client to be able to edit the content of the site without the need for any technical skills or software. So i have created a php script that outputs to text files which are included within the pages html with php. The sites admin pages where the content is edited uses the tinymce javascript text editor.

Once i finish this project i would like to develop this script in to a full content management system that allows the user to also edit the navigation and other elements much the same as blogger does.


Anonymous said...

MUst be hard to design a website knowing that the user don't know much about coding.

I've just moved to WordPress from Blogger and I was really lost at first, mostly with the php files. ;)

Doug said...

Hey Zhu,
designing a website when you don't know much about coding either is also tough, but i do have a book on php which helps.

Anonymous said...

Good post.